Empower Your Journey with
Move to Clarity, LLC
In Their Own Words
*Click on individual reviews to read full testimonials.*
"Lindsay helped me clarify my thoughts and goals for the future and truly helped me actualize my true potential.
After being coached by Lindsay I felt so empowered!"
Lindsay Marie S.
Lindsay’s sincere way of asking thought-provoking questions helped me zero in on what I need to do to reach my goals. She has helped me gain confidence in taking actions that are more “energy-giving” versus “energy-draining."
Chris W.
"Her insightful questions helped me discover perspectives on my experiences and values that were critical to charting my next steps... it really has given me the clarity I needed to move forward."
Lee L.
Lindsay is an awesome coach. She truly cares, listens deeply and is great about extracting underlying issues, take-aways and action steps.If you have a big transition or a big, hairy goal, Lindsay is your woman.
Grace J.
"Without a doubt, one of the best things I've done for my well-being in my adult life. Lindsay, because of you I have a better balanced life in all facets."
Reem R.
This, especially at the beginning, was an emotional process and Lindsay allowed me the space to express my feelings of not believing I could make the change.... She encouraged me to dig deep and outline what really mattered to me.
Katie B.
Lindsay helped me so much in learning about myself and the barriers I was allowing to get in the way of what God wanted to do in my life. Our sessions were also intensely practical.
Graham C.
Lindsay was kind and thoughtful, asking great questions that helped me expand my thinking and create new pathways. Even when I didn't see the connections myself, Lindsay did and helped me put what appeared like independent thoughts together to create a cohesive whole - something I could work with and take forward.
Paula H.
She was always willing to "meet me where I was," which made the coaching much more impactful. Lindsay helped me see some things I have been grappling with in a different way. She helped me see things from a new perspective.
Felicity C.
Lindsay's coaching style is supportive and encouraging yet she is direct with her line of questioning. She is able to identify the most salient thoughts and ideas and then offer them back to the client in a succinct way that brings new insight.
Rachel B.
I had a great coaching journey. Lindsay is professional, present and deeply engaged. Her listening skills are outstanding. Lindsay built a trusting relationship and helped me find new ways and build an immediate action plan.
Mathilda K.